About Us

We no longer sell bicycle trailers, but have left these pages active, as there may be useful information that could help you if you are looking to buy a trailer. Please have a look around (especially the ‘Trailer buying guide‘).

We live right on the border between Devon and Cornwall in the Westcountry (in England). We have three children and enjoy fresh air and exercise with them, (in the hope that it will catch on!). When we sold bicycle trailers, we sourced them direct from the manufacturer. If you have any queries, on bike trailers, please don’t hesitate to e-mail us and we will be pleased to try and help.

Contacting us

Please e-mail any queries.
We always try our best to get back to you within 24 Hrs.

(The first word is missing from this e-mail address. To complete – Insert the word beginning with ‘b’ from the header above) [email protected]

Stoke Climsland